UK technology body Jisc to merge with Eduserv Tie-up with public sector provider will reduce ‘duplication of effort, time and money’ By Anna McKie 11 December
School for spooks: Gloucestershire taps into cyber expertise Business school’s work with GCHQ and defence employers makes security vigilance a top priority By Anna McKie 11 December
To get on, skip university and do an apprenticeship – survey Respondents to Social Mobility Commission poll feel on-the-job training offers better prospects than higher education By Chris Havergal 11 December
Winning ways: THE Awards winners share secrets of success Universities offer insights on tackling the gender pay gap, excelling at research supervision and supporting disabled students By Jack Grove 10 December
Isaiah Berlin: Latvia celebrates its local philosopher made good Scholars in Riga and the UK explain why political theorist is still worth studying By Matthew Reisz 9 December
Oxford’s new graduate college to focus on AI and climate change First new college in almost 30 years will begin recruitment in 2019 By Anna McKie 7 December
Progress on widening university access in UK slows ‘Entry gap’ between men and women wider than ever before, Ucas data show By Chris Havergal 6 December
Starred firsts only a ‘temporary’ fix for grade inflation Academic who has advocated new band of top degree marks now being considered by sector says system still needs ‘fundamental’ reform By Simon Baker 6 December
Netherlands plans overhaul of academic careers in move away from metrics Country will also consider creating teaching-focused professorships to stop academics being overloaded by responsibilities By David Matthews 6 December
Cuts to the golden triangle could leave the UK in bad shape Both the rationale and the mechanism for redistributing research activity around the regions are far from clear cut, say Sarah Chaytor and Graeme Reid By Sarah Chaytor 6 December
UK urged to consider creating rival to European Research Council UUK International director also tells peers that ‘period of discontinuity’ in funding is a ‘real worry’ By John Morgan 5 December
Chris Skidmore appointed UK government universities minister Historian backed Remain in EU referendum but is regarded as an ultra-loyalist By John Morgan 5 December