Improving conditions a ‘lost cause’, say quitting UK academics Survey of those who have left their roles give up hope of overturning ‘toxic work environments’ By Juliette Rowsell 30 July
The likely repeal of England’s free speech act is a tragedy Bridget Phillpson’s decision to reconsider implementation will only hamper wider recognition of universities as a public good, says Abhishek Saha By Abhishek Saha 30 July
Just a Minute: academic and Paul Merton reveal secrets of success Cardiff professor works with comedian to explain how players of BBC quiz show can avoid dreaded ‘brain fry’ By Patrick Jack 29 July
De Montfort to open London branch campus Whitechapel base is ‘pivotal innovation’ for institution, claims vice-chancellor By Juliette Rowsell 29 July
‘Urgent review’ of TPS needed as more universities seek exit New government told to consider post-92s’ legal obligation to participate in scheme as some consider setting up subsidiary companies to opt out By Juliette Rowsell 29 July
Gazan medical students denied visas to study in Norway Ten students from Al-Azhar University had their applications rejected because of concerns they would not leave the country By Emily Dixon 28 July
Independent review of the OfS: key findings at a glance Results of Sir David Behan’s report set to shape future direction of regulator under Labour By Patrick Jack 26 July
Interim OfS chair announced as new free speech duties put on hold Education secretary outlines new approach for English regulator, with focus on restoring sector’s financial health By Patrick Jack 26 July
Lifelong loans will fail to boost enrolments, says Birkbeck v-c Returning leader says UK instead needs ‘major rethink’ of funding model and how it supports low-income and mature students By Juliette Rowsell 26 July
Scientists fear creeping political influence over Polish academy Government criticised for planned reforms but says it will close rival body widely seen as favourable to former populist regime By Emily Dixon 26 July
‘Contagion’ risk if UK university goes under, warns report Government urged to appoint new higher education commissioner to oversee £2.5 billion loan scheme in case of institutions going bankrupt By Patrick Jack 26 July
Value of Thames Water investment ‘minimal’, admits USS University pension scheme effectively writes off stake in ailing company that was worth £956 million two years ago By Tom Williams 25 July