How a peripatetic career made Emmanuelle Charpentier a Nobelist After working in 10 institutions across five countries, chemist explains why scientists need to leave the ‘comfortable life’ By Jack Grove 13 July
The UK’s university funding systems need a bold resetting Subsidising domestic with international provision would not be tolerated in healthcare. How long before it unravels in HE, asks Mark Corver By Mark Corver 12 July
Queen’s University Belfast thrown out of Ucea over local pay deal Institution says it stands by decision to offer staff wage rises in order to end marking boycott despite being ejected from national body By Tom Williams 11 July
UEA staff to strike over ‘needlessly cruel’ job cuts Union threatens more walkouts unless management ‘work with us to avoid further job losses’ By Tom Williams 11 July
Johnson: raise fee cap or risk universities ‘falling over’ Conservative former universities minister tables amendment to allow annual uprating, to ‘flush out’ Tory and Labour positions on ‘funding crisis’ By John Morgan 11 July
Transition to net zero ‘will cost UK universities £37 billion’ All institutions face multimillion-pound price tag for decarbonising supply chains, built environment and transport systems, says study By Tom Williams 11 July
‘Nervous’ recruiters look beyond degrees amid marking delays Flexibility of big firms not replicated in most heavily regulated professions By Tom Williams 11 July
English free speech rules ‘disturbing interference’ – Richardson Ministers only want to protect freedom of speech that they agree with, claims former Oxford vice-chancellor By Patrick Jack 10 July
Universities ignore ‘New Conservative’ agenda ‘at their peril’ MPs’ vision to cut student numbers may signal future direction of party, but experts question its appeal to voters By John Morgan 10 July
Health journal latest to lose editorial board in publishing row All 44 members of Critical Public Health board resign over Taylor & Francis’ article processing charges and alleged push for minimum paper counts By Ben Upton 7 July
University to pick staff representatives on governing body Union condemns Maynooth’s claim that ending elections will improve diversity By Patrick Jack 7 July
Mental health absences ‘widespread’ among university starters Nearly one in three UK university applicants had mental health-related school absences, survey finds By Jack Grove 7 July